Welcome to St Cecilia's
We usually meet on the second and fourth Sundays of the month at 11:15 am.
We have a service of Holy Communion on both of these Sundays.
Children are welcome at all our services, and although no children join us regularly at the moment, we always have engaging activities available for younger children.
Here is our children's area, near the front of church.
Our building is essentially a medieval church of simple design but with some interesting features.The church is usually open daily from 9:00am to 5:00pm.
More information about the church building can be found here.
Our PCC ( Parochial Church Council) members are pictured below. They are responsible for the mission and ministry of the church.
Chairman: Rector - Vacant
Church Warden: Karin Green
Treasurer: Frank Green
Vice Chairman: Edward Middleton
Don Gibson
Child Protection Officer: Judith Crimes
Deanery Synod Representative: Vacancy
Helen Walker
Minutes Secretary: Angela Fardell